
"…makes my body smile"

Ulrike Hasbach-Doussis

ProfilAugustUlrike Hasbach-Doussis, born in Germany, is a certified Feldenkrais teacher since 1994 and member of the German Pofessional Association of Feldenkrais teachers (Feldenkrais Verband Deutschland). She first came into contact with the Feldenkrais method in 1981 – and since then her enthusiasm for this method has never stopped. After receiving her Music and Movement diploma at the Higher School of Music and Drama Hamburg, she attended the Feldenkrais Professional Training Program  “Paris 3” (1990-1994), with Educational Director  Myriam Pfeffer. She deepens her knowledge by constantly attending advanced training and master classes with trainers such as Beatriz Walterspiel, Gaby Yaron, Jeff Haller,  Ulrike Apel,  Chava Shelhav, Larry Goldfarb,  Angel di Benedetto, Petra C. Koch. She worked as a experienced practitioner in the Feldenkrais Professional Training Program “Neuss 10”, in Germany (2003-2007) under the direction of Dr. Chava Shelhav.
She lives and works in Athens, teaching individual and group lessons and Feldenkrais seminars, focusing on enhancing the personal and artistic development of her students. She teaches regular seminars throughout Greece and Europe. As an pioneer proponent, she has contributed to the development of the Feldenkrais method in Greece, inspiring and organizing the first Feldenkrais Professional Training Program (2012-2015) in Athens. Currently, she is preparing the next Professional Training Program “Athens 2” which will begin in August 2016.